Join us on December 3rd for this special Giving Tuesday yoga class taught by recent Trauma Training graduate Diana Rose.  Diana will lead this open level trauma informed yoga class and will give you a peek into what a THAY class looks like. Discover our special teaching all while receiving the relaxing benefits for yourself, perfect for a Tuesday night!  ALL proceeds will go directly to Three and a Half Acres Yoga to continue the work we are doing, bringing yoga to the community.  Sign up for class here!
If you can’t make the class, please consider a donation!  Any level donation counts. Even a single dollar brings us closer to our goal of $5,000!

Here’s where your efforts go:

  • Become a Sustaining Donor  $35/month and you personally sponsor a single class each month.
  • Donate $150 and you cover a month of classes at your choice location. Care particularly for the abuse survivors, the elderly or substance abuse addicts? We’ll direct your donation to the classes which serve those populations.
  • Give $750 and you cover studio rental costs for an entire training.
  • Sponsor the Trauma Teacher Training itself for $2500.
Extend any amount and we will guarantee it is directed to the best possible need of THAY and will be sure to have a meaningful impact!

Remember to ask your company if they’ll match your donation. Corporate giving is huge and means you can double your impact!

We look forward to seeing you in class!   

Lara Land 
THAY Founder

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