We can’t thank you enough for your support!  The special Trauma Informed Yoga class last night was beautifully led by one of our Fall THAY Grads Diana Rose, and brought together members of our community in support of Three and a Half Acres!

Last night’s class was just one piece of our #GivingTuesday efforts.  Combined with donations and individual fundraisers from teachers, friends and supporters we were able to raise approximately $1000!  We have decided to keep the momentum going and EXTEND the fundraising efforts through the end of the year so we can get closer to our $5,000 goal!  

Please show your support with a donation today!  Any level donation counts. Even a single dollar brings us closer to our goal of $5,000!

Here’s where your efforts go:

  • Become a Sustaining Donor  $35/month and you personally sponsor a single class each month.
  • Donate $150 and you cover a month of classes at your choice location. Care particularly for the abuse survivors, the elderly or substance abuse addicts? We’ll direct your donation to the classes which serve those populations.
  • Give $750 and you cover studio rental costs for an entire training.
  • Sponsor the Trauma Teacher Training itself for $2500.
Extend any amount and we will guarantee it is directed to the best possible need of THAY and will be sure to have a meaningful impact!

Remember to ask your company if they’ll match your donation. Corporate giving is huge and means you can double your impact!

Let’s close out the year by exceeding our goal and making yoga accessible to all!


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