Our Virtual Cocktail Making Class is coming up June 7th!  Did you get your tickets yet?

With a special thanks to our sponsors at Hendrick’s Gin, all of the proceeds of this event will go directly to support and sustain our yoga partnership with New Alternatives: a nonprofit that offers a center and resources for homeless youth members who identify as LGBTQIA.

THAY has offered yoga classes to New Alternatives over the past year and a half, and we have been committed to provided stress relieving techniques even during the difficult months of the COVID pandemic.  The director of New Alternatives, Kate Barnhart recognized this by stating:

“This year has been challenging for the young people we serve – they have struggled with isolation, anxiety, and loss. The online yoga sessions have been a coping method that has been available to them despite the pandemic, while many of their other resources were closed.” 

Our yoga instructors are involved, committed and dedicated to bringing these life altering skills to this community as well.  Three and a Half Acres Yoga teacher Iris is one of the loyal instructors that brings yoga and mindfulness to New Alternatives and says:

“My experience at New Alternatives has been a blessing. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I was given to help others through this program.” 

Get your tickets today!  We absolutely can not wait for this night!


Support LGBTQIA Youth

Support Yoga Classes at New Alternatives

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