Training FAQs

Q: What exactly does the volunteer commitment entail?

A: The two main ways of volunteering with THAY are through teaching trauma yoga classes at some of our program locations and helping out with events throughout the year. Generally most of our trauma yoga classes are held during the day between 10-7pm Monday-Friday as this is the time most of our partners have requested for their students. We currently have a few classes that take place in the evenings and hold one Saturday class every other month. If you work full-time, this could mean that the bulk of your volunteer hours would likely come from volunteering at events instead of teaching. That being said, it is possible to get your volunteer hours completed through assisting with events as long as you're able to help out with all of them.

Volunteer duties at fundraiser events range from checking attendees in to showing guests where to go, selling tickets at the door, and passing out and collecting donation forms. Events take place on evenings or weekends.

Throughout the year we also have small admin-related projects that come up from time to time where volunteer help is needed such as assisting with flyering, social media, newsletters, research, storage help, etc. So that is another way to complete volunteer hours.

Please note, if you will be doing a volunteer commitment with THAY and would like to teach as part of that commitment, there are additional requirements. We require you to observe a minimum of two of our trauma yoga classes and then trial teach two classes.

Q: Can you elaborate more on exactly what is covered in the training?

A: Teacher training covers Ashtanga Basics, What is Trauma and How to Teach Someone Who Has Been Through Trauma, Chair Yoga, Diversity Training & Race and Culture in Yoga w/ Donna Noble.

Q: I have a certification in hatha/ashtanga/power/vinyasa/Birkam yoga. Can I take the class?

A: Yes! We'd be delighted to have you join us!

Q: I have no yoga training. Can I take this course?

A: 200+ hour yoga teacher training is required or a daily Ashtanga practice for 2+ years. You can volunteer with us in other capacities! Email [email protected] for more information.

Q: I live far away. Will I be able to bring THAY to my area?

A: Possibly. You can discuss with Lara at the time of training.

Q: What are the payment options?

A: Payment options:

  • Free for those who make a one-year commitment to volunteering one hour a week. ($100 deposit returned at year end)
  • $250 for those who make a six-month commitment to volunteering one hour a week. (plus a $50 deposit returned after six months)
  • $550 for those who would like the training with no volunteer commitment
Q: Sign me up! What do I need to do to register?

Click on the "Register Today" button on this page to fill out the registration form. We will review your application and contact you by email to confirm your acceptance to the training.

Please email [email protected] with additional questions.

Q: What should I bring to the training?

A: Just yourself in clothes you are able to do yoga in and a pen.

Q: Where is the training located?
A: Training takes place virtually online via Zoom. Training will run as much as possible like an in-person course with participation on camera required. Trauma yoga does not involve any touching or the use of any props besides a chair so this training can easily be taken at home.
Q: What is required to obtain my Trauma Yoga Teacher Training certificate?
A: Full attendance at both weekend training dates is required to receive a certificate. We also require you to observe a minimum of two of our trauma yoga classes and then trial teach two classes.
Q: I have a full-time job/a busy schedule or I live far away. Is there a way I can fulfill volunteer commitment?

A: Our programs are based in the NYC and DC areas only. However, all yoga classes are currently operating virtually and for as long as they remain virtual, you may volunteer remotely to teach. Please note teaching for your volunteer commitment is not guaranteed - this really depends on class availability and scheduling which impact whether we can place you in a teaching position. You may need to do other work to complete your volunteer commitment with us if a remote teaching opportunity is not available (such as research, newsletters, social media, spreadsheets, help with events, etc).

Q: Is the training Yoga Alliance certified?

A. The Trauma Yoga Teacher Training is a supplemental continuing education course for students who have already completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training. At this time there is no certification process for continuing education trainings on Yoga Alliance; they only certify 200 and 500-hour courses. However, the training is registered on Yoga Alliance and will count towards fulfilling YA continuing education credits.

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